Weekly Photo Challenge: Inspiration

Zooming ByWhen I saw the photo challenge for this week I figured I was too late and wouldn’t really be able to come up with anything in time… until I realized it is just what I needed.  So far the things I have posted are a variety of things, random and undisciplined, in my attempt to figure out what I really want to blog about.  But in the mean time I have been doing something else without even recognizing what was happening.  I have started a new blog without even knowing it.

Zooming By.  I have even named it.  It’s what is happening when I am inspired.  The truth is, many of my most inspiring moments are experienced while doing this.  Zooming by…. in the car on the way to some thing or another.  This is when I see things I love.  Clouds, trees, buildings, birds, people, city lights, all being viewed through the windshield of our car.  The music being played as we drive helps to make things more beautiful…even poetic.  Music always inspires me, so I create collections of all of my favorite songs so my husband and I can hear them within our little space of inspiration.  There is not time to stop and take a proper picture, because taking pictures is not usually on the agenda at the same moment I am being drawn to grab my camera to capture the moment.  My husband usually drives (he’s a better captain than passenger), so I am free to snap away at whatever I can.  We have commented many times on the fact that if we had to turn in rolls of film to be developed, this photo frenzy would never take place.  So many pictures that don’t turn out.  Seconds to grab, point, shoot.  Oops, missed that one!  Oh well.  Next time we pass that crazy rusty spot on the bridge, I’ll be ready.

Now I have discovered that some of the  I thought were duds are actually unique and quite lovely.  Abstract blurs of fall colors, street lights and sunsets can make beautiful art.  Especially while listening to music.  My husband loves to see the slide show of whatever excursion we just took.  I delete a lot but have kept some surprisingly great shots.  We have talked about creating some kind of memoir of these photos.  I always say “it should be called Zooming By”.

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2 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Inspiration

  1. jordanclary says:

    I love the photo! And zooming by is a great title and idea for a blog.

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